No. 426 Regular Meeting

This is S, in charge of tonight meeting reports.


TMOE is O, who is participating online from New York.

It’s a bit of a holiday season in New York. O is also looking forward to a happy holiday, so tonight’s words are  “look forward to,” and “Can’t wait.”


After introducing the support staff, it’s “What’s New?”. It’s a 30-60 second update in English.

Stories about a subordinate suddenly quitting, preparing to go to California, volunteering to help a children’s camp, getting hooked on snorkeling, a 30-second presentation, Yusuke Kishi’s “Blue Flame,” a late-night global conference, the Olympics, the fish of Manazuru, going back to his parents’ house, going to the dentist, etc., and just this is enough to fill you up!


Now, let’s start tonight’s preparation speech.

The first person to speak was new member I①, who gave a self-introduction as an “Ice Break.”

She talked about her hometown, the place where he grew up, his work, his hobby of comedy, etc. It’s rare to find a person from Kansai who is a fan of Sandwichman. She was very calm and dignified as a first Speech.


The second person was M, and the title was “Where is Japanese Sanma?”.

Where have the Sanma really gone?

We got a glimpse of M, who works in the fish industry’s insight. Japan’s fish catch is currently 8th in the world… Surrounded by bountiful seas on all sides, the culture of enjoying all aspects of fish is slowly collapsing.

This year’s Sanma is also likely to be expensive.


The third person was F, and the topic was “Why Do I run?”

F is planning to run a 200km marathon at the end of this month, but why is he really running?

He gave three reasons, but the first one was particularly impressive.

It was “regret.” F was a promising runner in his school days, but he suffered a setback when he broke a bone while skiing. One of the reasons he continues to run even now is “regret and revenge.” He must have had many thoughts. For me, who forgets it so quickly, it’s amazing that he remembers it and it becomes a driving force for him to run!


Next up is table topics. T, the host for tonight, has a rather twisted theme.

In response to the question “How many years has it been for ~?”, O answered “It’s been five years since I kept a bird.” In response to the question “Show us a useless piece of trivia,” I② showed us the value of π. It’s really useless, but no one can verify it even if he recites it from memory.

In response to the next question, “How do you enjoy the Olympics?”, guest M replied, “The opening ceremony was fun!”.

In response to the last question, “What makes you feel like a new era has arrived!”, guest A also answered it flawlessly.


Next is the general commentary, hosted by N.

The comments for I① were given by the chairman, H, for M, by K, and for F by me S. Everyone was kind enough to list several good points while also pointing out areas for improvement from their own personal perspective, which is the best part of personal commentary. Even if the comments are hard to hear, listening to them gives you clues for how to improve next time, and then you can try again the next time.

The winners of tonight’s awards were: Best Table Topics Speaker was I②, Best Commentary was by me, S, and Best Speaker was a double win for 1① and F.


Tonight’s meeting ended with closing words from O from TMOE.









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