


千代田TMC第387回例会 クラブ選考会 レポート

2023年1月19日(木) 19:00-21:30















日本語2番手はOさん。タイトルは「Life with a Dog」。犬の思い出と父親としての愛情あふれる話。感極まる場面も・・・。





英語1番手は僕。タイトルは「An Enemy is attacking me, harder this year!」敵って何だ??このスピーチは友人と一緒にトレッキングした時の会話の中から生まれました。色々な所に話のタネはあるものですね。アウトプットの場があるという事は本当にありがたい。




英語3番手はF②さん。タイトルは「Move Abroad!」。日本の良い点、悪い点をまとめながら、海外に住むならどこが良いか分析的に考察。いつもの“ゆるい”スピーチとは異なり、論点を整理するなど、すっきりしていました。金がないと海外移住は難しいんだなぁ・・・・。


英語4番手はF①さん。タイトルは「Shall we take days off?」前回のスピーチを更に洗練して来ました。声色を変えた寸劇、わかりやすい対比、メーッセジ性と言い、大会常連組の貫禄。間の取り方が絶妙でした。


英語の部トリはAさん。タイトルは「New challenge」。日本語でのスピーチを英語でも発表です。最後は時間の関係で端折りましたが、わかりやすい英語とジェスチャーを使い、丁寧に最後までやり遂げました!

















Chiyoda TMC 387th Regular Meeting Club Selection Competition Report

Thursday, January 19, 2023 19:00-21:30


Hello, this is S and report tonight meeting.


Unlike an usual meeting, tonight is a selection competition for the club representatives toward an area convention.

The top 1st and 2nd place winners in both Japanese and English can participate in the area competition.


Since there are more speakers and expected overtime beforehand, the venue was not the usual Chiyoda Ward Sports Center, but the Kanda Park Community Center.

10 members on site, 2 members online, and 1 guest participated online.


The selection is a competition between 4 people for Japanese speech and 5 people for English one. Oh, the participants are all men, aren’t they?

Unlike the usual prepared speeches, it was quite elaborate. Everyone is here to win. Otherwise, the contest will not be exciting!


Japanese session began.

Mr. K was the first speaker. The title was “Honor student”. A story about his memorable friend in his childhood. There was a surprise, and good composition in his story.

Mr. O was the second speaker. The title was “Life with a Dog”. A story filled with memories of a dog and a loving fatherhood to his daughter. He was a bit emotional and almost burst into tears when he talked about his dog.

Mr. F① was the 3rd speaker. The title was “New Year’s resolution.” He never disclosed his new year’s resolution to everyone. He kept audience’s interested high, well summarized in the end.

Mr. A was a last speaker. The title was “New Challenge!”. There was a mixture of laughter and seriousness. Successfully composed. Mr. A, who is starting a new challenge, is amazing!


After the break, the English selection start.

I was a first speaker. The title is “An Enemy is attacking me, harder this year!” What was an enemy for me? An ides of this speech was born from a conversation with my friends while we went hiking in the mountain. Speech idea was born anywhere and anytime. I am grateful that there is a place for speech.


Mr. K was the second speaker. The title was “Mi-chan”. The use of props and the tempo of the story were super. An audience laughed from beginning to end of the story! I personally fell in love with his speech. Well planned! … I learned a lot.


Mr. F② was a 3rd speaker. The title was “Move Abroad!”. While summarizing the good points and bad points of living in Japan, he analyzed where to live abroad best. Unlike his usual “loose” speech, it was refreshing, such as organizing the points of discussion. I realized that it is difficult to move abroad without money.


Mr. F① was a 4th speaker. The title was “Shall we take days off?” A short play with different voices, easy-to-understand contrasts, and a strong message to the audience, which was the dignity of a regular participant of tournaments!


Mr. A was the last speaker. The title was “New challenge”. Speech given at Japanese session was translated to English. he used easy-to-understand English with gestures, and he was able to complete his speech eventually!


The winners of Japanese session were K, F①, and A in that order. The winners of English session were F①, K, and me in that order.


Mr. K and Mr. F① would go to an area contest in both Japanese and English.

Let’s all support and break down these two strongholds next time!


By the way, Ms. M, our TMC member, came to the venue after long period of absence. I hope that she takes care of her health, don’t overdo your work, and join us again.









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