No. 423 Regular Meeting

Well, we had a great meeting with five (5) guests joining on site!
Two (2) guests are originally from Pakistan (M-san) and China (X-san) and learning Japanese. F-
san joined from Germany (during his business trip), and I joined from NY. What an international

Today’s TMOE was K-san, and he introduced “Word of Meeting” as “Quickly (あっさり)”. He
encouraged everyone to intentionally use this word during the meeting.
After “What’s New (30 seconds English short speech by all attendees), we had three (3)
prepared speech, all in Japanese today.
First speaker was K-san and her speech title is “what is important thing (大切な物は(歯))”.
K-san enjoyably explained her recent experience in dentist, very complexed price system
depending on the treatment. She decided to spend more money to retain her taste for food but
regrets not having visited dentist at early stage. She introduced two books related to tooth
cavities & dentist, to remind her audience the sooner or better for your teeth. Well, I also had
better go now (as I have been wondering if there is something wrong with my tooth)…
Second speaker was A-san and his speech title is “Support from Mother (母の支え)“.
He uniquely explained his recent conversations with his mother-in-law and his mother. They are
quite different, e.g., husbands, neighborhood (uptown vs downtown), working mother or not, but
they are both good old “Showa-era” mothers. He mentioned his good memories with his mother
and family and concluded his speech by reiterating the importance of his/her partner.
His speech reminded me my mother and wife, both in Japan (while I am in NY).
Third speaker was S-san, today’s guest, and his speech title is “Three (3) reasons Santa Clause
is not coming to this village(この村にサンタクロースがやって来ない3つの理由)”. He recently
published a book, summarizing his two (2) year experience in North Korea in energy
development project (led by U.S., Korean, and Japanese government) more than 24 years ago.
Three reasons responded by his colleagues are very much describing the realities:

1. People are very much satisfied with presents from the General.
2. N. Korea is very dark at night due to power shortage, so reindeer cannot fly with his bird’s
3. Santa Clause would be arrested as he accumulated such fortune in an illegal manner.
I was amazed as above three (3) comments are very much describing our general views on N.
After the break, S-san organized a table topic session. In this session, you are expected to make
an instant short speech with the topics (questions) just provided. Today’s topic is “please
recommend where H-san should visit during her break.” S-san selected following locations to
specific attendees:
1. Kyusyu for M-san (guest today)
2. India for M-san
3. China for X -san

Everyone responded with interesting experience/recommendations!
After the evaluation sessions (a prepared speech speaker receives feedback from the assigned
evaluator. This is a unique & meaningful session in TMC), today’s award winners were
1. Best table topic master: M-san (guest)
2. Best evaluator: T-san (for S-san’s speech)
3. Best prepared speech: S-san (guest)
Following the regular meeting, we had an appointment ceremony of Chiyoda new club officers.
O-san, next division director, kindly chaired this ceremony. FYI, cub officers are selected among

members in an annual base. H-san delivered her aspirational speech as next Chiyoda president.
Wish her success as a president and I also want to contribute to the club as much!
Thank you for reading and we welcome visitors and new joiners!



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