会の開始の挨拶は、カナダからzoom参加中の会長T中さんにやっていただき、その後、今回のTMOE (Toast Master Of the Evening)であるT川さんが司会進行を行いました。ゲストには、当千代田トーストマスターズのチャーターメンバーであるS山さんが参加頂きました。TMOE T川さんから”今夜の言葉”として、「空っぽ」”empty”をいただきました。
The speech title was “Research and I”. He was amazed by what science could achieve after he watched anime titles like Doraemon and Ghost in the shell. Watching those seemed to have inspired him pursue his study in computerized intelligence, AI, at a University and post graduate schools. He currenly majors in computer science and AI related matters, which lets him study in analysis of human brain, especially about inception of time and emotion. He seems to really like doing research in that field now.
He delivered a speech about “Yakult”, which is a brand name of beverages and not a name of a baseball team. He explained that he was “trapped” with the manufacture’s marketing tactics and being involved to buying it – he didn’t have other choices at a vending machine since all of the other beverages were sold out at the time. He explained that it helped him sleep well. Drinking Yakult improved his intestine environment with help of some type of ingridients contained in Yalukt. He indicated the change of his feeling – he no longer regrets being trapped in the marketing strategies. Although many listeners reacted in the way that the Yakult might not improve sleeping, he seems to be happy being able to sleep well.
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