第398回例会 レポート

第398回例会 レポート

2023年6月15日(木) 19:00-21:00










何気なく新幹線の中で聞いていましたが、この曲の題名がTOKIOの“Ambitious Japan.”



さて、役割紹介の後は、一人30秒で英語プレゼンを行う“What’s new?” です。




先頭はOさん。タイトルは「No pain, no gain」。日本語では“虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず”ですかね。最近の赴任の様子を生き生きとした描写を交えて語って下さいました。


  • Job description が全てでそれ以上の事はしない。
  • ボスの評価で全てが決まる
  • いつでも頸と隣り合わせ



















398th regular meeting report

From 19:00 to 21:00, June 15, 2023 at Chitoda Sports Center


Hi, this report is written by S.


Mr. K is the TMOE for tonight’s regular meeting, which is two times away from the 400th anniversary, and the word tonight is “Ambitious.”

The process of choosing this word is amazing!

Ryoko Hirosue’s adultery scandal, which has become a hot topic recently, did not receive any inspiration to him, and according to the information of Mr. K, who is “Tecchan (a railway lover)”, the chime played in the JR Tokai district of the Tokaido Shinkansen will be changed from the 20th, July, 2023, whereas Japan District’s “good day departure” remains unchanged.

By the way, this is it.

Everone casually listened to it on the bullet train, but the title of this song is TOKIO’s “Ambitious Japan.” Tecchan only knows such minor news.


Now, after the role introduction, it is “What’s new?” where each person gives a presentation in English in 30 seconds.

There are many topics, such as being worried about blood pressure.


Then prepared speech.

Mr. O is the first. The title is “No pain, no gain”. In Japanese, it means “If you don’t enter the tiger’s cave, you won’t get a tiger cub.” He told us about his recent assignment with lively descriptions.

Employment in US

  1. Job description is everything and nothing more.
  2. Everything is decided by the boss’s evaluation
  3. Easily being fired

Summarized. There’s a reason why US people have such high salaries. Personally, I don’t think Japan is too protected by labor laws.


Next is Mr. F1. The title is “Find Your Leadership”.according to him, leadership is not a skill, but something that oozes out as a result. He stresses that while it is fun to belong to a community, it is important not to get caught up in peer pressure or need, and to be “weird”. Finally, “Happiness is within yourself.”

Mr. F1 who doesn’t usually care about formalty, alignes with procedure,surprisingly. It’s just like “A wise falcon hides his talons”.


Next are table topics.

Veteran F2 who suddenly became the table topics master for tonight 15 minutes ago. He doen’t panic, of course, and ask “What are your childhood memories?”, “Which do you prefer when you were a child or now?” “If you could go back, how old would you like to be?” “Where was your favorite place when you were a child?”

When I was a kid, there were certainly places like secret bases, such as in bamboo groves, wood storage places. There are fewer places like that now.


Next is the commentary. Commentary on the prepared speech under the moderation of Ms. H. Mr. M commented on Mr. O, and Mr. T1 commented on Mr. F1. In particular, Mr. T1 not only praised today’s speech, but also gave a thoughtful commentary for further better speech.


The voting results were O for prepared speech, T2 for table topic, and T1 for commentary.


Well, in the remaining 30 minutes, the election of  2023 club officers was completed.

Thank you very much for your hard work, who served club officers for a year. Let’s do together with all the new 2023 club officers for better organization.




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